






There was a strange elf clad in green and brown, Galdor, a messenger from the King of the Wood-elves in Eastern Mirkwood.——总之小莱的名字是一开始就打算从树家族里选


City of Stone,City of the Land of Ond——刚铎前身,石头城


Blue Mountains (2) Range south of the Misty Mountains. 410-11, 436, 440. 

Dimbar (I) Land between Sirion and Mindeb in the Elder Days. 432. (2) A region north of Rivendell.


Aragorn (I) Suggested name for Gandalf's horse. 


金雳原为Burin son of Balin

'the Three Rings of Earth, Sea, and Sky'






'Did Elrond make the flood then?' asked Bingo.

'No, I did,' said Gandalf. 'It is not very difficult magic

But a fish took the ring and was filled with madness, and swam upstream, leaping over rocks and up waterfalls until it cast itself on a bank and spat out the ring and died.

it was not till the second edition of 1966 that Finrod son of Finwe became Finarfin, and his son Inglor Felagund became Finrod Felagund.




在他写了无数次的开篇快要抓狂,说把心爱的素材和人物都浪费在HBT原作里了导致现在没东西可写的期间,老刘和幼子(小托)一直陪着他,点点滴滴跟进度……啊,多么和谐的家庭图景  p43-44

I am sure I could write unlimited 'first chapters'. I have indeed written many. ——自知之明!!

The trouble is that 'hobbit talk'* amuses me privately (and to a certain degree also my boy Christopher) more than adventures; but I must curb this severely.

I am personally immensely amused by hobbits as such, and can contemplate them eating and making their rather fatuous jokes indefinitely; but I find that is not the case with even my most devoted 'fans' (such as Mr Lewis, and Rayner Unwin). Mr Lewis says hobbits are only amusing when in unhobbitlike situations.

my mind on the 'story' side is really preoccupied with the 'pure' fairy stories or mythologies of the Silmarillion, into which even Mr Baggins got dragged against my original will, and I do not think I shall be able to move much outside it - unless it is finished (and perhaps published) - which has a releasing effect. 



·(Gandalf) 'There are many powers greater than mine, for good and evil, in the world. I was  caught in Fangorn and spent many weary days as a prisoner of the Giant Treebeard. It was a  desperately anxious time, for I was hurrying back to the Shire to help you.  

·Six lines in Elvish tengwar are written here, which transliterated read:  

   Fragment from The Lord of the Rings, sequel to The Hobbit.                    

   Frodo meets Giant Treebeard in the Forest of Neldoreth while seeking for his lost companions: he is deceived by the giant who pretends to be friendly, but is really in league with the Enemy.                          


   Six months earlier, in a letter of 2 February 1939, my father had said that 'though there is no dragon (so far) there is going to be a Giant'



it has been my intention throughout this‘History’that the author's own voice should be largely heard. ——这话听着怎么有弦外之音……

As the writing of "The Lord of the Rings" proceeds the initial draftings become more and more difficult to read; but for obvious reasons I have not hesitated to try to present even the most formidable examples, such as the original description of Frodo's vision on Amon Hen (pp. 372—3), though the result must be peppered all over with dots and queries.——向小托致敬!!

Anduin曾名Sirvinya‘New Sirion’


Tol Brandir:百科说是Anduin河的一个岛,粗看了看地图没找见0 0——画集:原来就是拉洛斯瀑布下落处的河心岛!果然仍带着图林故事的影子

Land of Shadow = Mordor——噗

Lothlann (1) Great plain north of the Marches of Maidros in the Elder Days. 313. (2) Region south of Mordor.


笔记:(3) Elrond should tell more of Gilgalad?——然而并没有写




‘very fair and slender she seemed. Her face was filled with gentle pity, and her eyes shone with unshed tears. So Aragorn saw her for the first time in the light of day, and after she was gone he stood still, looking at the dark doors and taking little heed of other things.’




Eorl the Young出兵援助刚铎而获赠洛汗之地,参与的是最后联盟打倒索伦那一仗(后来变成抵御东方人入侵)


Galadriel parts with Keleborn who elects to stay in the world and [?woods]. She is seen by Frodo in old age, when he and Sam see Galadriel and Bilbo (and Elrond? No — he has one [written above: 3?] [struck out: age] life of men still to rule in Rivendell).


菠萝蜜出使:……And those whom we defend shelter behind us, and give us much praise and little help.我来并不是请求精灵发援兵,爱隆的力量也不在于兵马(军人的高傲态度!笑),我是来问计和解梦的

‘But who are you, and what have you or it to do with Minas Tirith?’asked Boromir.

‘He is Aragorn son of Celegorn, descended in right line……’said Elrond.

——笑死,老托是还记得老三当过N国之王所以才同时启用了Celegorn和Minas Tirith这两个旧名是吧





p453-455补充与卷五同期的两段,写三种精灵文字之源流,应为语文篇补遗:the alphabets of Rúmil, of Feanor, and [of] Dairon; also called the Valinorian, Túnian, and Beleriandic letters.(费诺果然是卷五变成语言学家的)D国碑刻字体起源于七河绿精灵(老托表示发明创造是诺多的天资),鼎盛于D国,向东传播到矮人,以Dairon命名并非是他发明,而是因为P先生的主要研究材料是戴龙的几首诗歌(后来在魔戒附录改成了戴龙发明)





老甘战炎魔:'I am the master of the White Fire. The red flame cannot come this way.’ 






‘Finduilas Elrond's daughter’产生于送旗子情节的修改,书末出现了【Galadriel must give her ring to Aragorn ( ..... to wed Finduilas?)】这么一条笔记



Among the horsemen of Gondor appears【Húrin the Tall】, ‘Warden of the City’, changed at once to‘Warden of the Keys'. 此战后也曾参与决战索伦的军议。——MT城里还有一位叫Thalion的大叔,教训了要跟皮聘打架的儿子,今版贝瑞贡的前身;贝瑞贡也曾写作Beren son of Turgon

【Gothmog】lieutenant of Morghul


Tumladen, Vale of In South Gondor, west of Minas Tirith


‘Where Legolas goes, I go,’said Gimli ——哎哟


As they drew near Merry saw to his delight that Aragorn rode at their head, and beside him was a woman with long braided hair, yet she was clad as a warrior of the Mark, and girt with a sword.


Hail, Lord of the Mark, may I never again be taken from your side while you live still and rule the Eorlingas. Father you are to me since Eothain my father fell at Osgiliath far away.


p359大战三阶段老王王女-哥哥-A,最后会师Eomer and Aragorn meet again on the field‘though all the hosts of Mordor lay between’,这句这句> <我不信老托写这场大战时没想到泪雨,而这次是象征顺应历史潮流新时代力量的人类所以赢了


Denethor will not yield Stewardship, yet: not until war is won or lost and all is made clear. He is cold and suspicious and ? mock-courteous. Aragorn grave and silent. But Denethor says that belike the Stewardship will run out anyway, since he seems like to lose both his sons. Faramir is sick of his wounds. If he dies then Gondor can take what new lord it likes. Aragorn says he will not be ‘taken’, he will take, but asks to see Faramir. Faramir is brought out and Aragorn tends him all that night, and 【love springs between them.】

更详细的版本写道:Faramir opens his eyes and looks on Aragorn and love springs between them. (………………老托的世界里love果然只有一见钟情这一种标准模式!


But Théoden was not alone. One had followed him: Eowyn daughter of Eomund, and all had feared the light of her face, shunning her as night fowl turn from the day. Now she leapt from her horse and stood before the shadow; her sword was in her hand. ‘Come not between the Nazgul and his prey,’ said a cold voice, ‘or he will bear thee away to the houses of lamentation, beyond all darkness where thy flesh shall be devoured and thy shrivelled mind be left naked.’

She stood still and did not blench.‘I do not fear thee, Shadow,’ she said. ‘Nor him that devoured thee. Go back to him and report that his shadows and dwimor-lakes2 are powerless even to frighten women.’The great bird flapped its wings and leapt into the air, leaving the king's body, and falling upon her with beak and claw. Like a shaft of searing light a pale sword cold as ice was raised above her head.

She raised her shield, and with a swift and sudden stroke smote off the bird's head. It fell, its vast wings outspread crumpled and helpless on the earth. About Eowyn the light of day fell bright and clear. With a clamour of dismay the hosts of Harad turned and fled, and over the ground a headless thing crawled away, snarling and snivelling, tearing at the cloak. Soon the black cloak too lay formless and still, and a long thin wail rent the air and vanished in the distance.

Eowyn stepped to the king. ‘Alas, Théoden son of Thengel,’she said. ‘But you have turned the tide. See, they fly. The enemy is broken by fear. Never did an old Lord of Men die better. You shall sleep well, and no Shadow nor foul thing assail your bed.’


Nazgul says to éowyn‘No living man may hinder me!’ she replies, as the text was first written: ‘I am no living man. You look upon a woman. Eowyn I am, Eomund's daughter. You stand between me and my kin. Begone! For though I have slain no living thing, yet I will slay the dead [> yet I will slay the Undead].’ 

——以【You stand between me and my kin】回呛戒灵的【Come not between the Nazgul and his prey】,帅爆了有没有



Legolas Greenleaf long under tree

In joy thou hast lived. Beware of the Sea!

If thou hearest the cry of the gull on the shore,

Thy heart shall then rest in the forest no more.



‘Victory is in itself worthless. Unless Gondor stand for some good, then let it not stand at all; and if Mordor doth not stand for some evil that we will not brook in Mordor or out of it, then let it triumph.’胜败存亡本身并无意义,若刚铎不为善,存而何益?若魔多不为恶,胜而何伤?

把二、三纪称为Middle Age——那第一纪是希腊罗马?XD




小托也有耐心耗尽的一天——前言开口就说,到这本为止魔戒稿子整理完了!我现在是不会去整理魔戒附录的!> < 而且既然我爹写完魔戒很快就转回上古神话传说时代去了,接下来我希望把相关的主要内容整理推出



Frodo遥遥听见战场上的号声,是Elendil的号角,风光?风樯?Windbeam the Horn of Elendil



Eowyn Lady of Rohan, golden as the sun and white as snow

But Legolas and Gimli here said goodbye, and went into Fangorn, and from there they purposed [? to journey] together to their own countries. ‘Alas, that our lands lie so far apart! But we will send word to Rivendell.’ And Elrond looked at them and said: ‘Send rather to the Shire.’


In the parting of Merry from Eomer and Eowyn they address him as‘Meriadoc of the Shire and of the Mark’,Eomer还送了祖传宝贝Eorl的号角

尾声Q & A:Sam答女儿问——感觉这篇里的Sam口吻疑似老托附身……







The High Elves have nearly all gone now with Elrond. But not quite all; and those that didn't go will wait now for a while. And the others, the ones that belong here, will last even longer.




Sam's coming back.” And you came.’

‘I did,’ said Sam. ‘To the most belovedest place in all the world. To my Rose and my garden.’

They went in, and Sam shut the door. But even as he did so, he heard suddenly, deep and unstilled, the sigh and murmur of the Sea upon the shores of Middle-earth.





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